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Bigger unit size

Posted: Jan 23 2024
by Roug
As i said on the discussion forum you should do something with the size of battalions.
Why not have 1000 soldiers in a battalion?

"Each battalion belonged to a regiment and consisted of a headquarters, four companies, and its transport. At full establishment in 1914, it consisted of 1,007 men, of whom 30 were officers"

Its also the same size in WW2, the wars would feel bigger if the size was changed, Germany has an army off 300 000 men in 1917, and a population of 79000000 its just totally off, if you change the size you only need 10 inf battalions to make a division of 10000 without art and support ect.

Re: Bigger unit size

Posted: Mar 01 2024
by chucklindsay1986
you can alter total number of troops in a battalion a couple different ways; in the .UNIT file you can adjust the ratio of squads in a battalion to crew size which are multiplied to generate the total number of troops within 1 unit or ''battalion'' this will increase the build time for the modded unit if the days to build is not adjusted to suit.... this works for historical battalions that were strictly defined by use of infantry soldiers alone... the problem is that not all battalions were and that creates the conflict within this process of modding the game.

technically each single unit represents a battalion in the game but as you point out the battalion in 1914 consisted of three different unit types; transport, command, and infantry... to put that battalion together in the game would require the construction of three different units. otherwise it would not be possible to create that battalion without altering all of the stats of a single unit to function as a self supplied, infantry fighting unit...

You can also change the default battalion size in the .WMdata from 54 to whatever number you want, that is also a mulitplier for all unit construction that can make unit formations more or less robust in troops contained within each unit.

Just a forewarning... I've done exactly this in the past in my game and the results produced an unsatisfying result which led to me having to un-mod the data I modded to achieve this outcome we are discussing.

I totally agree with you on the general idea but it's a pretty complex notion of improvement to the games existing defined functions. All in all making the game this way would make it different and more realistic in one sense but different and less realistic in another sense... it wouldn't work out well for all the units and the ability to assemble historical formations across the board.

If I were you I would just decrease the build time for the specific units that you would like to put into more robust formations so that you can increase your field army's to suit historical accuracy more effectively, or just mod in a new infantry unit specifically defined to the specifications of the world war one infantry level battalions you desire to see in the game.

My input through my own experience. My apologies for the sloppy writeup this might require two reads lol... I am not revising it :p

Good luck friend.
