Capture Territory

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Capture Territory

Post by Propane »

Is there a way to stop all countries from capturing territory? This way I can make my gae last longer and no one will be "eliminated".
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Post by ozmono2005 »

I suppose you could either edit a map to make sure that the AI regions have no units, military goods and unit production capabilities

Or you could do the same thing by loading and playing as the AI regions while paused than open your country back up but that might take a while

AND a better option would be opening all regions and making sure everyone is allied to one another as well as mutal denfesive etc
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Post by haenkie »

that last thing would require you to load your single player save in the mutliplayer mode and pick an other country or use the cheats
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Post by Balthagor »

Actually that's not quite true, it can be set in the .GMC file. For each player there is a section where you can specify what treaties are presigned to what region.

01treaties[X]: Y

This would make player 1 have treaty Y with player X
Chris Latour
BattleGoat Studios
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