BUG, possibly? Colony being released unwanted

Moderators: Balthagor, Moderators

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Brigadier Gen.
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BUG, possibly? Colony being released unwanted

Post by mrgenie »

If I have a colony, and I fully annexed it.
The moment an enemy walks over it he takes it, so far so good.
Now I recapture it, and suddenly it belongs to my colony again, it's not annexed anymore.

also I can't annex it anymore, unless the colony government "returns from excile"
I also can't talk with an empty hex of course. Well I can pull up the diplomacy screen and talk with "them" but nothing happens.

So to recover from this just to annex 1 single hex, I have to release my colony as a whole, and then annex it as a whole again, and then do all the micro-management for all the garrisons again.

A tedious task as you may understand.

So I'd kindly request that "ANNEXED" is a status which remains the moment I recapture land, OR at the very least allow me to re-annex again with the annex button.

Thank you

Attached a sample image. There's nothing I can do anymore with these lands, except releasing my colony as a whole to re-annex it again as a whole and do all the micro-management from scratch again
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Re: BUG, possibly? Colony being released unwanted

Post by Balthagor »

Do you have a savegame to go with that screenshot?

Ticket 37139.
Chris Latour
BattleGoat Studios
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