Here is the full list of changes since v.1307
- New migration system
- Further updates to birth rate system, review cycle of this feature is complete
- Fixed GovType of Elective Autocracy, now set properly to Barbarians = False. Oops
- Fixes to espionage system when using priority and focus vs. region
- Adjustments to Espionage code for better frequency of missions (work in progress)
- Fixes to what messages are sent based on sanction actions imposed/lifted
- Treaty weight for Resource Status treaty adjusted for easier commodity trades.
- Refactored consideration of Sphere value in diplomatic evaluation by AI, more weight given to being in same sphere
- Refactored internal variables for loss counters etc
- Messages added for colonies that are trending towards rebellion (frequency of messages stll being reviewed for too often/not often enough)
- Fixes to some alert messages
- Minor localization and text fixes
- Map fixes for battlezones and cities on water
- Fixes to some battlezones
- Fixes to Strategic Targeting UI elements
- UI Fix, launch authority button in missile popup
- UI reporting of carrier type fixed
- Fixed expanded panel build at minister location
- UI feedback about unit refits and unit upgrades improved. Buttons now have tooltips before alternate or next unit type have been researched
- Fix to Condemn Wars button in popup
- Fix to tall version of Espionage panel
- Fix to "build" button in list of facilities for building
- Added Scrap/Sell to right click list of units in bases
- Added Tech Effect icon to Tech Popup. We hope to expand this to other areas
- Fix to the function of the automate units button in the orders panel
- Various UI fixes
- 1914 Airships moved from Class 7 (helicopter) to Class 12 (Strategic Bomber) to better align with AI behaviour (change still under review)
- Adjusted some mesh sizes for large missile objects
- Fixes to stats for some missiles
- Strategic Bomber attack values vs. facilities increased
- Fixes to some unit pictures
- Fixed 3D model for Admiral Hipper, 1914
- Various fixes to equipment list
- Fix to Tech Buff system
- Minor tech tree fixes
- Tech Tree expanded in the 2020-2040 medical, science and social techs with various associated changes. 15 new techs added.
- Minor updates to people data
- MaxFlagShow value moved from Options.ini to UISettings.csv so it can be modded
- Changed to InterlockedIncrement on CmdQue ID to resolve MP Sync issues