3d model texture

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3d model texture

Post by AlfDim89 »

Hi everyone

I want help regarding the textures of the new 3D models that I inserted into the SR2030 game

I downloaded the vehicles from the Unity website from the internet and inserted them into the game, the Unity software in the texture folder of each vehicle contains 4 files in png format

- AlbedoTransparency textures are the base colours of the tanks for the different camo schemes. They also include transparency sometimes, in the case where a hole in the model is not actually modeled but baked into the texture (for example the mesh covering on an Sd.Kfz. 222, I don't want to waste resources modeling each individual piece of the covering, so I just 'cut' the holes out of the texture instead).
- MetallicSmoothness textures contain information on which parts of the texture are made of metal, and how 'glossy' each part looks.
- Ambient Occlusion (AO) textures are baked in shadows, based on the actual parts of the model and how close they are to each other.
- Normal maps contain data that is used to create the illusion of 3D height on a model, without having any actual 3D geometry, this is used to add a lot of detail to a model without adding more complexity and rendering costs.

in the game I need the texture in dds format, how can I transform the 4 pngs into a single dds without losing the details of the png levels?

for now I have only transformed the base of the texture (AlbedoTransparency textures) in .dds to be able to test them in the game and they can be seen and are functional, but they have lost all the details contained in the other texture levels.

what software can I use?

What is the simplest procedure to carry out?

thanks in advance to anyone who will help me
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Re: 3d model texture

Post by AlfDim89 »

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask if anyone knows how to edit the already researched starting units of the 1940 scenario, for the 1936 scenario they are present under the heading &&REGIONUNITDESIGNS in the SR1936.cvp file.

thanks in advance to anyone who will help me
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Re: 3d model texture

Post by AlfDim89 »

New Italian WW2 3d guns!!!


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