BattleGoat April/May schedule

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BattleGoat April/May schedule

Post by Balthagor »

Just to keep the community in the loop, our team is going to be much less active during April and May. We've been working at a pretty intense pace since January with 4 game updates during those 3 months. The addition of sanctions to SR and the work on the campaign system for GRE have kept us very busy and also brought significant new features into the engine. GRE is now in final testing. We've been fixing things like the wording of some alert messages and translation of campaign text. Our apologies for the delay on the release. Our next big focus is all the content work for Supreme Ruler 1936 Remastered, which is all about bringing the old content into the new game engine. We also have some administration level tasks coming up and we'd like to explore improving the experience on our Discord channel.

This timing is helpful as some of the team are due for some vacation. We also have some regular turnover coming as some of our college coops complete their work term and new coop student(s) come onboard. This will slow our response times for the next few months, but that in no way changes our roadmap. GRE, 1936 Remastered and SR:GO are the currently active projects, generally in that order. We already have specific tasks on our calendar for June, July and through the summer. We look forward to sharing more details about our upcoming projects during that time.
Chris Latour
BattleGoat Studios
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