Savegame sometimes causes CTD

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Savegame sometimes causes CTD

Post by irfanahmed1979 »

I'm playing a mod. I sometimes experience a crash-to-desktop when loading a saved game. If that happens then I have to try loading an older save file and continue playing.

I usually quit and load a saved game right after I have saved it and then exit the game. Usually when I do this the game will load the next time I start my computer. I am playing the steam version of the game. I also have the orders mod installed but that's only recently and I've been experiencing these CTDs before the orders mod.

These are my system specs:

OS: Windows 8.1 pro 64-bit
CPU: Core i7-3770
Motherboard: Gigabyte ga-z77-d3h
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 4 x 4GB @ 1600Mhz
Bootdisk: Intel 530 series SSD 240GB
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB
Graphics Card: Gigabyte Geforce GTX 680 SOC (GV-N680SO-2GD)
PSU: Corsair HX1050w
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Re: Savegame sometimes causes CTD

Post by Balthagor »

I'm a little unclear on how to respond.

There is no support for mods. There have been no other reports of crashes like you're describing. There have been isolated cases of corrupt savegames but these have been fairly rare. I can't think of any suggestions to offer on this situation beyond trying without the mod.
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Re: Savegame sometimes causes CTD

Post by Steva2003 »

I am playing SR CW and when I want to load saved game,
Game crash and l cannot load my saved games,
How to solve this issue? ???
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Re: Savegame sometimes causes CTD

Post by Balthagor »

Is it just one savegame that's doing this? The rest of your games load fine? Sounds like you have a corrupt file.

There's not really anything we can do at this point. The game is 10 years old (well, it will be next month) and development for that title ended 6 years ago. We've released 3 more games since then and have a fourth in early access. We've made lots of improvements to the engine since then. If you're looking for a more stable experience, I'd invite you to get Supreme Ruler Ultimate. Much of the Cold War content was rebuilt so it could be included in SR Ultimate.
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Re: Savegame sometimes causes CTD

Post by Steva2003 »

All saved games unfortunately crash,when i try to load them
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Re: Savegame sometimes causes CTD

Post by Balthagor »

What version number does it say at the main menu? Is it 7.3.7?

I just reinstalled the game, started a new campaign as Argentina. I progressed the game a couple days, then saved. I was able to reload with no troubles.
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Re: Savegame sometimes causes CTD

Post by Steva2003 »

Version is 7.0.1

Where i can find that version of update 7.3.7
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Re: Savegame sometimes causes CTD

Post by Balthagor »

The version available on Steam is 7.3.7. ... d=32938519

If you have a boxed version, it should update during the installation. If you're having troubles with that, send us an email to
Chris Latour
BattleGoat Studios
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