are Air to Air missile in this game?

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are Air to Air missile in this game?

Post by tonedog »

or are they abstracted in the air attack values of planes? what i mean is do u need to build air to air missiles along with other types of missiles?
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Post by Draken »

They are modeled into the strike values of the planes... You can not build A2A missiles
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Post by Legend »

Actually there aren't any ground to air, sea to air or air to air missiles. Generally the missiles that we put into SR2010 are missiles that can be intercepted. As for exceptions to the rule - as I'm sure someone will dig up an example from somewhere - we don't model anything that attacks air targets. There are however so many missile designs that you should be content.
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Post by Balthagor »

FYI, it is my understanding that combat simulators used by the military do the same thing, of not modeling A2A missiles separatly. We did some research on this when missiles where moved to being their own units and our military consultants told us this was a good way to go.
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Re: are Air to Air missile in this game?

Post by Balthagor »

I'm pulling this old thread forward as the question came up again today and our answer from 16y ago is still relevant, but could use more details.
if i created a custom air launch missile unit and assigned it air attack values, would it function correctly as an air-to-air missile? currently no in-game missiles hit air targets and of the models of ground to air i know of like guided missiles from the 3rd reich are AA mobile sams
You are correct that we don't model any A-A missiles in the game. This comes from research we did more than a decade ago. IIRC our research showed that AA missiles cannot be intercepted by third parties, only actions by the target to avoided or counter can affect if the missiles will hit or miss. As such, they made more sense to model in the combat stats of the units.

We've never tested what your suggesting, so I have no idea if it would work or not. But if you're going to add A-A missiles to units, you should also reduce their air combat stats (attack and range) and increase their missile capacity.
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Re: are Air to Air missile in this game?

Post by Rosalis »

All these suggestions are cute and all, but i rather have/fight specific roles for planes with minimal issues. I agree with the original suggestion of your military advisors. Strategic bombers and fighter bombers are not primarly used to shoot down planes. I dont find it very beautifull to see planes full of anti ship missiles in Kazakhstan unable to fulfill their mission because they are full of missiles.

Other missiles should have a bigger impact tho, currently most have zero impact because cities have good defence or units get easily repaired. Except anti ship missiles i find most convential ones useless against cities or land units. Especially since you cant target specific buildings. The economic impact of destroying a warehouse full of explosives or chemicals is non existent in the game. Sure you need industrial goods to repair, but i think it should be more serious. I think its also an issue you run thru the tech tree so fast, that most got good infantry that can intercept them somehow, but even against regions with basic infantry the missiles dont do much in my opinion.

So yeah i would say improve the original rules instead of making it harder and harder for the ai. Get them focused on a mission instead of trying to do it all and fail. If its improved for the ai more people will trust the ai.

I understand the issue with drones likely taking more and more roles in the future. but for now i dont think its very realistic to give them effective power in game to shoot down planes. Again since the player is likely to send in stacks, it will just intercept all the missiles.
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Re: are Air to Air missile in this game?

Post by sparky282 »

the only thing I think with this is that currently is balanced wrong for example one squadron of say f-35 would be a big issue for a Type 45 Destroyer you would most likely lose the ship
how ever
the aster ground to air unit would cause the F-35 squadron some real headaches yet both units fire the same missiles

One way I think that could be fixed is to have sea to air missiles in game the Arleigh Burke for example could be loaded with different missiles depending on the mission brief.

I think air to air missiles would be way to much micro management and ground to air units generally only fire the missle they where designed around
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Re: are Air to Air missile in this game?

Post by Balthagor »

I'm not so sure this is wrong. In game, your comparing 1 Destroyer to 18 planes and 18 planes to a battalion of 40 SAM launchers. It's all ammo as I see it.
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Re: are Air to Air missile in this game?

Post by sparky282 »

Balthagor wrote: May 29 2021 I'm not so sure this is wrong. In game, your comparing 1 Destroyer to 18 planes and 18 planes to a battalion of 40 SAM launchers. It's all ammo as I see it.
That's true actually I hadn't really thought about it in those terms
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