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Supreme Ruler
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by Balthagor » Oct 24 2014
This update brings SR 1936 into sync for feature and content updates related to WWII Era content.
Changelog Version 8.3.12;
Resolved memory issue with excessive diplomatic offers
AI regions will no longer make diplo offers to dead regions
Improved internal handling of dead region AI
New Mac Installs default to 16-bit Resolution to improve performance
Diplomatic trade of missiles now also allows reserve show for ally/mutdef/nonaggr
Graphic options level setting sets all levels high/low, not just satellite imagery
Further improvement to AI trading resource code (prevent over-trading)
Resolve Newsitems / Don't show AI list memory leak
Known Designs updated for Russia
Equipment file minor fixes
Order of Battle fixes
Fixed AI minister setting of production levels when trade but no local demand
Loyalty penalty for production in non-loyal areas reduced if civapr > 35%
Optimized size of many unit textures (improve memory/performance issues)
Resolved a small memory leak (possible crash issue)
Resolved rare game-freeze issue
Added error checks for bad region # in email messages (Marco Bridge email fix)
Resolved some reported crash issues
Satellite Elements; Tech Race Elements
Diplomatic trade can see reserve units of other side if ally or mutual defense
-- Also if dip difficulty below "normal" then Non-Aggression too
Facility filters added
Adjustments to weather pattern
Improved Save-game buffering storage (string pool etc)
Merchant Marine neutral pathing defaults to False for human player
Fixed Support/Condemn bug (memory corruption / crash)
Fixed unit/tech pricing in popup dip
Minor map fixes
Various GUI fixes
Missile silo now shows under Defense-Production facilities list
Popup diplomacy change - can only trade techs one "level" away from known
-- Affects techs and unit pre-reqs
Resolved GUI slowdown in popup diplomacy
Resolved Naval "patrol stuck on coastline" issues
AI Naval response code updated…
Naval Resupply improved
Naval units no longer concerned with th/bz as much
Longer AI Naval response range, esp for refueling
Relationship fixes on liberation
Doubleclick on Loyalty flag changes currregion / calls up popdip
Explosions show properly on map seam (Hawaii etc)
Issue with supply levels in map start annexed regions fixed (ie Poland 1941)
Some Sandbox changes/fixes
Default player name is set to Steam user name (if logged in)
Tech Race popup page support
Performance improvement to framerate with map overlays, weather overlay
Increase effect of state department funding (support gov / opposition / etc)
Dormant regions will resurrect under conditions
-- ie own original capital + 14 hexes, or over 21 hexes + urban centre
Support and Condemn Email responses greatly expanded
-- Effect diprel, civrel, sphere, and sometimes belli
Increased effect of Law Enforcement level to prevent insurgents
Fixes to map overlays graphics
Implemented Region Liberate / Return loyal land
No more splitting command units
Map/Sandbox fixes
Merchant Marine movement now defaults to safest/cautious pathing
Surrender/Elimination events in FF fixed for German enemies (poland/france/etc)
cheat usage flag no longer turned off on save games
Some adjustments to military difficulty levels
SR1936 Cache events - Soviet and Chinese efficiency reduced 1939-1943
Some datacode fixes (satellite, etc)
Increased influence effects during sandbox creation (offset sphere settings)
Try to prevent 'path around' causing neutral fire when transit exists
Cleaned up some code in ai diplomatic offers, improved th and min pri effects
approval effects on state dept and support/condemn affected by game lobby setting
High Resource production costs reduced in high gdp regions / economy fix
Fixed bug involving Coups and colonies
Fixed counting resurrected regions (internal counts)
Fixed issue with ai valuation of trading submarine techs
Mouse wheel scrolls email message text box
Tech Tree changes for AI Interest of some items
Liberate/Return land affects diprel/civrel/belli
Satellite interface and techs added
Brigadier Gen.
Posts: 884 Joined: Nov 11 2011
Human: Yes
by Kristijonas » Oct 24 2014
Sexy. I also noticed there's an option to turn loyalty penalties for line of sight and supply on or off. Does this option completely eliminate production penalty or is this only a supply option?
Also, I wonder how close this version is to the 1936 sandbox of Ultimate edition?
Thank you!
Edit: How do I take new bonds? I cannot seem to find the UI for it. I hate it enabled before starting the game and I see other countries taking them.
Warrant Officer
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by adige » Oct 25 2014
It is only me or anybody have this too;
Supreme Ruler
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Location: BattleGoat Studios
by Balthagor » Oct 25 2014
I'll try and get a fix posted this weekend.
Brigadier Gen.
Posts: 884 Joined: Nov 11 2011
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by Kristijonas » Oct 25 2014
Sorry, but where is the bond UI?
Supreme Ruler
Posts: 22315 Joined: Jun 04 2002
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Location: BattleGoat Studios
by Balthagor » Oct 25 2014
There is no specific UI for the bonds at this time. Reviewing some of the debt/bonds issues is ongoing.
A fix was pushed this morning to resolve the graphics issue. It also adds a spinning rotor to some of the helicopters (rest coming soon).
Brigadier Gen.
Posts: 884 Joined: Nov 11 2011
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by Kristijonas » Oct 25 2014
I see annex and liberate buttons were also fixed. They were some weird frames before. Thank you!
Brigadier Gen.
Posts: 884 Joined: Nov 11 2011
Human: Yes
by Kristijonas » Oct 25 2014
Game crashes sometimes when I'm at 80-100% zoom out. I'm rarely zoomed out that much and it never crashed when I was up close.
In case this could be a memory issue, I have 8Gb ram, Radeon 7790 1Gb, dual core Sandy Bridge.
3D models off
Hardware mouse off
Vertex something off
Video buffer fix off
Enabling Vertex-something makes game menus become extremely flashy and epilepsy-inducing
Supreme Ruler
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Location: BattleGoat Studios
by Balthagor » Oct 25 2014
Can you reproduce it? Do you have a savegame that crashes consistently, or least regularly?
There are no known crash bugs at this time.
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by Jack16 » Nov 11 2014
Is there any way to play as the resurrected nation? I tried to do it with ISIS. I resurrected ISIS as Syria. Ported the save file to multiplayer, but there is no way to see ISIS in the playable nations.
Is it possible?
Supreme Ruler
Posts: 22315 Joined: Jun 04 2002
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Location: BattleGoat Studios
by Balthagor » Nov 11 2014
There is no official way. Modders may be able to help you out, try asking in the mods thread.
Posts: 138 Joined: Jun 02 2010
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by Jack16 » Nov 12 2014
I see. Thank you for answering though, I might ask in the modding section, just don't hope it will be to hard to mod in...
Warrant Officer
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by Spookyashell » Dec 02 2014
Sure hope this fix the "leaking" petrolium bug I've gotten in every single game I've started (with the US at least). Saw steam had updated my game so I guess its this patch. Ops, no it updated to .14
Brigadier Gen.
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by milivoje02 » Feb 25 2020
I have the question for scenario 1942. What is with Croatia(NDH) and Serbia? The are in the scenario map but they cannot bee choose to play with and they are not colonies of Italy and Germany. So what's up with them?