GR also continues to benefit from underlying AI improvements being made as part of the ongoing development of the Supreme Ruler series.
And for those who missed it, on our YouTube channel we've announced Galactic Ruler Enlightenment, a new title in the series which will feature campaign stories using much of the same mechanics and design. Watch for more information on this title during the Steam Nextfest.
But for now, we hope the latest update increases your enjoyment of the game.
Here's the full changelog for v.1249
- Energy profile in game changed significantly for all factions and galaxy setups
- Changes to unit behaviours when engaging/disengaging targets in combat
- Adjustment to aircraft fuel reserve calculations to try and resolve cases of aircraft running out of fuel and crashing before they can get back to base.
- Population growth model refactored, still being tested, may see further changes.
- Fixed class filtering for unit lists
- Fixes to display of unit specialties
- Fix potential crash when viewing intro video with no sound device assigned
- Improvements to multiplayer sync stability
- Added governor priority for escorting at space level
- Fix character set used by the game to avoid messing up accents when Windows set to Unicode/Beta
- When building facilities in a location, Shift+Click to place a full stack
- Mission air and space units no longer attempt to retreat forward, instead scan neighbours
- Fixes to helicopter units using escort orders
- Fixes to water colour glitching on some video drivers
- Added right click option of "don't path in region" from SR - weak on feedback though
- When deleting an alert message, shift click will delete all of same type
- Fixed potential crash playing the game in French
- Destroyer class ships (Pike and Predator) totally rebalanced
- Updated models shown for when facilities are in construction (Space, Water, Land complex, Land facility)
- Research Dept updated to show how much energy was used previous day
- Minor fixes to 3D models
- Fix background in Tutorials lobby
- Minor adjustments to tech tree and unit prerequisites
- Fixed capture objective in Tutorial 2 (again)
- BattleGroup popup from Supreme Ruler accessible, but issues remain (work in progress)
- Various UI fixes