To me it seems someone in the office thought this shouldnt cost anything if you have ultimate. After trying for 5 min. he/she would be definetely right. Never saw so many issues in a game in the first 5 min. Loading wrong region, wrong region names, resources and facilities that dont make sence, but yeah that seems business as usual. At this point you can take it away, but its been mentioned many times over the years. On the other hand if its missing an event file or something, thats also not a good reflection on your company.From steam:
bubbleman833 heeft Supreme Ruler Ultimate 5 uur geleden
Why do I have the Great War dlc even though I did not purchase it ! ?
In my version of Supreme Ruler Ultimate that I purchased in 2014 I can now see that I have a bunch of WW1 scenarios and campaigns available. I have never purchased Supreme Ruler The Great War and the content that is in that game is now in my copy of Supreme Ruler Ultimate.
Is my copy defective? Am I going to be accused of stealing? What is the cause of this? What can be done as I don't want to have something I did not pay for and do not intend to pay for the future either?
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Chris-BattleGoat [ontwikkelaar] 5 uur geleden
When you go to the Steam store page for SR Great War, what does it say? Did you grab anything from Steam Workshop? No need to worry about accusations, there are possible explanations for this.
You keep saying we are testing this and that, but maybe something going wrong with a certain region in the world, just speculating. Like maybe they download certain things they shouldnt and otherwise. That would atleast explain alot for me.