SRGW - Russia - (another) Capital Ship (BB) class should be available to Build

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SRGW - Russia - (another) Capital Ship (BB) class should be available to Build

Post by geminif4ucorsair »

* * To the Russians, the construction of the three battleships of the Imperatritsa Mariia seemed sufficient to deter Ottoman Empire and other potential rivals in the Black Sea; however, by November 1913 the Turkish government purchase of the Sultan Osman I battleship (ordered by Brazil as Rio de Janiero, raised concerns that even further battleships might be acquired (two further new ships were building in the U.S. for Argentina). As concerns grew, it appeared the three Russian battleships, all armed with 12-inch guns, would face potentially two Turkish battleships armed with 13.5-in. (or even 14") and one with 12-inch.

This led the Russian Duma (parliament) to approve construction of an additional battleship for the Black Sea (plus two light cruisers, eight destroyers, and six submarines), under a Law passed 24June/7July 1914. This new battleship was to be named IMPERATOR NIKOLAI I. The new BB was laid down 9/22Jun1914, was expected to launch in April 1915 and commission the following year.

Source: Personal Russian files.
* * Technical data being sent Bathagor, personal email.


The new class should be called: IMPERATOR NIKOLAI I Class.

Thanks for considering. :-)
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