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SRGW - Russia - City Deletion needed

Posted: Aug 07 2017
by geminif4ucorsair
The Russian city below was not established either at the time of SRGW or SR-36/SRU.

* * ZELEZNOGORSK X 1014 Y 142 - Delete city from map.

Thanks for considering. :-)

Żeleznogorsk (Kraj Krasnojarski)[edytuj]
Herb Flaga
Herb Flaga
Państwo Rosja
Kraj Kraj Krasnojarski
Mer Wadim Miedwiediew
Powierzchnia 112 km²
Wysokość 150 m n.p.m.
Populacja (2010)
• liczba ludności
85 559
Nr kierunkowy (+7) 39197
Kod pocztowy 662970
Tablice rejestracyjne 24, 124
Położenie na mapie Kraju Krasnojarskiego
(Przełącz na mapę Rosji)
Mapa lokalizacyjna Kraju Krasnojarskiego
Ziemia56°15′N 93°32′E
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons
Strona internetowa
Portal Portal Rosja
Żeleznogorsk (ros. Железногорск) – miasto zamknięte w azjatyckiej części Rosji, w Kraju Krasnojarskim, pozostające w gestii Federalnej Agencji Energii Atomowej Rosatom (Государственная корпорация по атомной энергии «Росатом»). W okresie ZSRR miasto nosiło nazwę Krasnojarsk-26, także Socgorod, Dziewiątka, Atomgrad.

Miasto położone w dorzeczu rzeki Jenisej, na brzegach rzek Kantał i Bajkał, 64 km na północ od Krasnojarska. Prawa miejskie uzyskało w 1954.

Re: SRGW - Russia - City Deletion needed

Posted: Aug 07 2017
by Thadwookie
I disagree, it's a game. the city's cannot be added. unluess it's written in csv and i've never personally done that i don't wanna add in all these citys then although it would be awesome but a modding nightmare due to if someone built upon that hex already ( before the csv trigger has happened ).... LOL Don;t wanna even know.

Re: SRGW - Russia - City Deletion needed

Posted: Aug 08 2017
by geminif4ucorsair
Thadwookie wrote:I disagree, it's a game. the city's cannot be added. unluess it's written in csv and i've never personally done that i don't wanna add in all these citys then although it would be awesome but a modding nightmare due to if someone built upon that hex already ( before the csv trigger has happened ).... LOL Don;t wanna even know.
Each to his own, but for the BG designers, they should have the most accurate map design possible....and from player perspectives, having a map that distorts reality in 1914 [not to mention SR-36/SRU] is to players long-term advantage.

Re: SRGW - Russia - City Deletion needed

Posted: Aug 10 2017
by Balthagor
Sorry Thadwookie, I took it out.

The population will just spread out and there are other cities nearby.

Re: SRGW - Russia - City Deletion needed

Posted: Aug 27 2017
by Thadwookie
thanks for letting me know