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Posted: Jun 16 2005
by bergsjaeger
I got 2 riddles for anyone who thinks they can answer them. Their easy to answer if u think about it. Some people might already know the answers but anyways.

I live in complete darkness, I have 1000's of eyes but can't see, I have 100's of ears but can't hear. What am I?

I crawl at dawn. I walk on 2 legs during the afternoon. I walk on 3 legs before dusk. What am I?


Posted: Jun 16 2005
by ilungo
The second riddle is the Riddle of the Sphinx from Oedipus.

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by bergsjaeger
yes it is :lol: :wink: But do u know the answer without looking it up. I know both of the riddles answers.

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by tkobo
No idea on the first one.

Is the second one man ?

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by tkobo
Is the first one the "night" ?

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by bergsjaeger
well one is right the other is wrong. now which one is right. let me explain it then. What crawls at the beginning of life gets older walks on 2 legs then before they die has to use a crane which equals 3 legs. So now u know which one is right. As for the first one i tell later if no one guess it.

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by bergsjaeger
well i fell like being nice today so here's a hint on the first one. what can feel (see and hear) 1000's of things but never actually see or hear them.
and tkobo u were close to the answer in one of your earlier posts.

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by tkobo
This reminds me of a riddle i once heard in which the answer was "brain".
But if so, i dont get the "ears" part.

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by bergsjaeger
its riddles they weren't suppose to make sense u just got find out what the answer is. :wink: well is brain ur answer?

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by bergsjaeger
got another riddle.

I come in many shapes. I can show many things. I can cause moods of sad and glad. I can cause one to remember the past. What am I.

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by tkobo
Nah, cant answer "brain" becuase i dont understand how it fits this exact riddle.
For instance- if it was brain, wouldnt the eyes and ears number be the same ?
That would be so if the receptors in the brain were the "eyes" and "ears".

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by tkobo
Memories ?


Dreams would work well here also.

Posted: Jun 16 2005
by Decimatus
I thought brain was the correct answer. However, it has been some time since I heard that riddle, so I am not totally sure.

Posted: Jun 17 2005
by bergsjaeger
brain is the answer it lives in darkness and has 1000's of nerves that feel (which is what see and hear means) and as for last one it could be 2 answers but one is the right one. memories and pictures.

Posted: Jun 17 2005
by bergsjaeger
got another riddle.

I can be the fastest thing in the world. I can be the slowest thing in the world. I can fly higher than anything in the world. But nothing can ever see me. What am I?