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Technological regression in the digital era

Posted: Jul 14 2017
by Gman
Wondering if this gets any hits.

I own a flip phone.
I drive a beautiful and sound 16 year old car.
I don't tweet, nor do I Facebook.
I have started the process of homesteading, which is hard work, yet very rewarding.

I have a good job, yet I don't mind the extra work 'round the house.
Next project is milling 17 ash trees. Due to the beetle.

I started 100 plants from seed this year.
I built a chicken resort, as I like to call it, bought chicks...getting eggs.
We're going to get ducks, and goats.
And that's the beginning.....many more projects to come.

Please share comments , questions and your own experiences. Thank you

Re: Technological regression in the digital era

Posted: Jul 18 2017
by nick-bang
Sounds good.

I could go for that way out in the woods with no neighbours

Re: Technological regression in the digital era

Posted: Jul 20 2017
by GIJoe597
I used to follow/watch a YouTube channel named, Homestead Kids. It was interesting to see how this family lives and handles challenges.

Although, this does appeal to me, I discovered the older I get, the more I want my creature comforts.

Re: Technological regression in the digital era

Posted: Aug 09 2017
by nick-bang
GIJoe597 wrote:I used to follow/watch a YouTube channel named, Homestead Kids. It was interesting to see how this family lives and handles challenges.

Although, this does appeal to me, I discovered the older I get, the more I want my creature comforts.

For me its the other way around - The older I get, the less tolerance I have for idiots and self-inflated politically correct fools.
Not to mention mental midgets trying to tell me how to feel, think and run my life.

But sadly you need more money than I presently have to live comfortably in the outback or wilderness...

Re: Technological regression in the digital era

Posted: Aug 09 2017
by GIJoe597
I would think you need less money than you currently have to live in the wilderness.

As far as the rest; you have control over that now, in what you watch, where you go, who you associate with.

Re: Technological regression in the digital era

Posted: Aug 20 2017
by nick-bang
GIJoe597 wrote:I would think you need less money than you currently have to live in the wilderness.

As far as the rest; you have control over that now, in what you watch, where you go, who you associate with.
As for the first, then sadly no. Saws, building materials, weapons, ammon, foodstuffs and more all cost more. Even in the heyday of the frontier days they all had to trade for essential foodstuffs and material. Also in this day and age there is no such thing as a true wilderness: I would have to BUY a plot of land.

As for the second then the problems is precisely that I can NOT control it. As boundaries and moralities is constantly being forced upon me