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Re: Gibraltar

Post by vahadar »

I dont know how it coul be done in game (exept with fixed units maybe), but coastal fortress werent only gun batteries but also torpedoes batteries. See for exemple the battle of the Dobrak Sound in Norway, where the pocket cruiser Blucher got sunk by a coastal fortress and coastal torpedoes during the 1st day of the invasion of norway.
The German did not move any ships towards the norwegian capital untill the fortress was captured by ground forces. ... 8bak_Sound

Would be nice to have this for Gibraltar and Singapore or others points of interest like those.
Ozi wrote:
BattleGoat wrote:Under review... Not sure how to deal with the Anti Sub nets in our game.

Close straits for non-owner ships completely. The Brits would have sunk any surface ship trying to push through Gibraltar....
If you make the ocean hex a national hex (gibraltar or UK) it wont prevent crossing the hex in case of war anyway :)

Anti subs nets or mine fields could be fixed units with very high stealth, submerged type, with submerged low to average attack, 1km attack range, with just 1 or 2 ammo for firing, that you would need to "resupply" with transport ship (see it as "mine layer"). Very high hp also to simulate a mine field (coupled with low ammo it reflects the randomness of been hitting by a mine. The mines will stay in place for a long time, and ressuplying them will be the only way to "replenish" them).
Now this said the AI is not a pro at resupplying itself at sea :) Unless you make the ocean hex of the straight a national hex for gibraltar.

Or if you dont want to change the hex ownership but want to place a mine unit there, you can leave the ocean hex an international hex, but make another naval fixed unit in the ocean hex just above that belongs to gibraltar, that would have 0 speed, ultra high stealth, and very few cargo space, so by standing close to the mine unit in the international ocean hex and by being supplied in gibraltar water, it will then resupply the mine unit after each shot (unless gibraltar taken of course).

But having zero speed would mean all those units would have to be in place at game start since you wont be able to move new ones.

edit : Seeing how the AI handles its ships in game, and guessing that making a check for going through those straight or not is very complicated, and to prevent blobing next to a straight if you close the straight for ennemies (because of AI stupid behaviour ;) ), i think its better to let AI go through, fixed units with enough damage dealing will make AI understand that it needs to go back (with the coastal batteries most units will turn back before reaching the straight itself) if units continue moving through it will get killed by the mines or torpedoes batteries (the mines here simulating both, and sub nets).
Of course AI might loose a lot of units because it would want to keep going through, and keep sending them after repaired, but it is the AI we have now, and we should find solution that get along with this AI ;) Eventually the AI might killed the fixed coastal batteries and get Gibraltar, which will make the mine field unit useless since not supplied by its owner nation.

edit 2 : To simulate more mine fields from different nation depending on Gibraltar ownership, you could stack in the same hex mine units of different major nations, since they will have very high stealth they wont be detected by other mine units field standing on the same hex. The mine field that would work would be the one from the nation that owns Gibraltar because it will be the only one supplied. Another nation minefield would work only if that nation capture Gibraltar.
Of course those minefield from other nations mght be ressupplied by accident :)
Actually through events if event easier probably to create this unit depending on Gibraltar ownership (making the check for a few major nations, like UK, Ger, Ita and so on).
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