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india/pakistan senario storyline

Posted: Jan 08 2006
by Khorne
whats the storyline for india/pakistan senario

Posted: Jan 09 2006
by Balthagor
In what became one of the many epitaphs of the United Nations, its major diplomatic push in 2007 to settle the Kashmir situation between India and Pakistan ended in dismal failure. When negotiations broke off, not only was no agreement in place, but once again troop deployments were near all-time highs in the area, and the region teetered on the brink of nuclear war.

By the end of 2008 there were approximately one million troops deployed around the Line of Control and neither side wanted to show weakness by scaling back. Military historians believe that the two countries had finally crossed that invisible line and that a final war for the region was inevitable. The newly emerging World Market then issued what they believed was a last minute warning; ‘The use of nuclear weapons against civilians would not be tolerated and would be met with immediate retaliation!’ However, as the world watched with growing dread, subsequent events in New Delhi quickly overshadowed Kashmir and altered the course of the area.

October 31st 2009 (New Delhi) – Indian Prime Minister Assassinated

On the 25th anniversary of Indira Gandhi’s assassination, roadside mines were successfully used today to bomb the Prime Minister's Motorcade as it was heading for parliament. The Prime Minister and four others were killed in the explosion. Sikh separatists calling for an independent Punjab claimed responsibility. Dozens of other bombs were also detonated throughout the city and casualties are expected to be heavy.

Reaction in the government was swift and harsh, as Hindu Fundamentalism once again became the rallying cry of a nation in mourning. In response, protests against the government crackdown then became more and more widespread and it became apparent the younger generation did not support many of the traditional Hindu values. Troops were recalled from Kashmir to quell the civil unrest, finally easing tensions at the Line of Control, but that only added to the slaughter at home.

Within a month, the national government had become a pariah and regional control fell more heavily to the states. This helped diffuse the situation and civil unrest began to lessen but the national authority had been totally undermined and the states considered their own authority paramount to that of New Delhi’s. The new leadership void prompted many state leaders to assume a more prominent role and the quest for a revived Indian leadership began. Alongside this disorganization, Pakistan watched, sensing the incredible opportunity…
Ta da!

Posted: Jan 10 2006
by Khorne