Southern Africa Mod

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Mission Space
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Southern Africa Mod

Post by Mission Space »

My South Africa mod


Only for 6.6.2
Presented to you by a Rhodesian
When on Campaign Menu it will be called Rhodesia..

Southern Africa Mod
New Nations
Pre-1994 South Africa
Zambia-Malawi(Merged to counter South Africa and Rhodesia)

Rhodesia: Good Relations(South Africa, UK, USA, didn't change anything else), Bad(Angola, Zambia, Cuba,Russia,China and Mozambique)
South Africa: Good Relations(Rhodesia, didn't change anything else) Bad(Angola, Cuba, Mozambique and Zambia. Didnt change anything else)
Angola: Good(Cuba), Bad(SA, Rhodesia)
Zambia: Good(Same),Bad: Rhodesia
Mozambique(Listed above)

New Music for South Africa and Rhodesia

Improvements For Version2
Will try to worsen relations between South Africa and Cuba
Will change text summary

Some footage from the battles in my mod
Rhodesian Bush War South African Border War Rhodesian Insurgency War

Feel free to add suggestions!
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Last edited by Mission Space on Aug 02 2013, edited 6 times in total.
Hullu Hevonen
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Hullu Hevonen »

Mission Space wrote:My South Africa mod

Presented to you by a Rhodesian
When on Campaign Menu it will be called Rhodesia..

Southern Africa Mod
New Nations
Pre-1994 South Africa
Zambia-Malawi(Merged to counter South Africa and Rhodesia)

Rhodesia: Good Relations(South Africa, UK, USA, didn't change anything else), Bad(Angola, Zambia, Cuba,Russia,China and Mozambique)
South Africa: Good Relations(Rhodesia, didn't change anything else) Bad(Angola, Cuba, Mozambique and Zambia. Didnt change anything else)
Angola: Good(Cuba), Bad(SA, Rhodesia)
Zambia: Good(Same),Bad: Rhodesia
Mozambique(Listed above)

New Music for South Africa and Rhodesia

Improvements For Version2
Will try to worsen relations between South Africa and Cuba
Will change text summary

Some footage from the battles in my mod
Rhodesian Bush War South African Border War Rhodesian Insurgency War

Feel free to add suggestions!
Added to list of mods :wink: , i'll give it a try when im able to :-)
Happy Linux user!
Links: List of Mods
Mission Space
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Mission Space »

So, anyone tried it??
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Interceptor »

I will be downloading this and I'm glad someone is putting something towards the Rhodesian timeline. It has always been interesting. Good job man :).
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Madzcat »

I tried to get it to work, but I don't seem to be installing it right or something. Can you tell me the proper way to install it?
Mission Space
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Mission Space »

You mean where to extract the files? and btw use WinRAR its a much easier program for stuff like this..its free.
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Interceptor »

Hmmm I ziped them in and I cannot find the Rhodesia campaign. I triple checked and after the extracting I went into the files and I cannot find them. Odd.... I am trying it manually now.
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Madzcat »

Yeah where to extract the files.
Mission Space
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Mission Space »

EDIT 2: Okay it's clear follow my instructions below..

EDIT: DONT DOWLOAD YET I FOUND A MISTAKE IN ONE OF THE FILES!! Its nothing about the extraction though..ill give you the green light on when to continue downloading.

Ah really easy ill tell you just follow along. UNZIP to your desktop..oh yea and select them by holding down ctrl and clicking on each file then you extract to your desktop.

1st Extract the two Music Files(15.mp3 and 17.mp3) to your music folder which is located in the sounds folder.

2nd Put the Rhodesia.CSV and the Rhodesia.SCENARIO files the CampaignGC folder.

3rd Put the Rhodesia.CVP , .OOF , and REGIONINCL in the maps folder.

4rth Put the Zimbabwe.SAV file in the CacheGC folder.

Tell me if you have any further problems?
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Interceptor »

Thanks I had to drag and drop for some reason my extraction was botching things...Must be vista @$#!!.
Anyway to get Zimbabwae off of the main map when you play? Testing now :).
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Interceptor »

The only thing I'm noticing with my game is that it still says Zimbabwae on the main map and there is no Rhodesia or the flag.
Mission Space
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Mission Space »

hmm is it good for south africa? EDIT: I am the greatest idiot, i forgot to add flag, and for the name I think your going to have to cache

EDIT 2: Okay Try Again
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Interceptor »

Mission Space wrote:hmm is it good for south africa? EDIT: I am the greatest idiot, i forgot to add flag, and for the name I think your going to have to cache

EDIT 2: Okay Try Again

South Africa was missing as well so I'll check again :).
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Interceptor »

K, flags are fixed nice :). So you said something with the cache for the zimbabwe still showing up instead of Rhodesia? Sorry to be a pain just trying to help :).
Mission Space
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Re: Southern Africa Mod

Post by Mission Space »

Interceptor wrote:K, flags are fixed nice :). So you said something with the cache for the zimbabwe still showing up instead of Rhodesia? Sorry to be a pain just trying to help :).

Np i dont know why, I had the problem, my good friend Hullu told me to Cache the game, delete the Zimbabwe.SAV, launch the RHodesia campaign wait 60-90 min, come back..go to save game, find CACHED-Rhodesia.GC.SAV, move it to CacheGC, then rename it to Zimbabwe.SAV
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