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I just told my girlfriend about SR2020 and she's dumping me

Posted: Nov 05 2006
by Empier4552
No thats just a joke but rest assured the moment i started jumping up and down like a mad man she did not look too thrilled. heh yet another game to take my time away from her :-D

So yeah anyway while this new game will no doubt detract from my relationship can't wait for it to come out heh heh.

Posted: Nov 05 2006
by tkobo
What ???? You're not only gonna marry, but a women who doesnt game ????

Sheesh, next thing you're going to tell me is that she has niether red hair nor green eyes. :o


Posted: Nov 06 2006
by Feltan
Just let her know there is a pause button, so there will be ample opportinities to eat what she cooks and have sex -- and, as an extra bonus, with this handy pause feature you can get your own drinks so she won't have to shuttle back and forth making sure your cup is full. :lol:


Posted: Nov 06 2006
by Empier4552
hah i wish i had a red headed wench nah shes black hair and brown eyed but still sexy! And yes the pause button is there but what about multiplayer!? (I'm hoping SR2020 has a better multiplayer base..)

As well I don't know if i could trust her bringing the beer and such. She might attempt to poison me..

I did try to get her into gaming. She some how (no idea how still) beats me at Dead or Alive on Xbox360...Go figure. She has ilttle patience and much frustration when it comes to gaming though so yeah..